Monday, August 19, 2024

Pray for Marriages (The Cross of Perfection)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Each of us is given a vocation in life, a special call from God. For some it’s to remain single, for others, the married life, fewer still, the vows of religious life, and to even fewer, ordination to the priesthood. 

For obvious reasons, we will discuss the vocation of marriage! How many of you even contemplated that your marriage was to be a path to sanctification? It is a roadmap to heaven. Consider that in heaven, there is no need for marriage.

“The children of this age marry and are given in marriage; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. Luke 20:34-35

Who considered that marriage would be a series of  trials to form and transform you, and who could have imagined the depth/number of them? In marriage, have you ever asked yourself, “If this is the path to perfection, why do I feel so imperfect, ill-equipped, and unvirtuous?” (Ahh, that’s the beginning of humility!)  

The fear of the LORD is training for wisdom, and humility goes before honors. Proverbs 15:33

At its best, marriage can feel like a slice of heaven, but at its worst can feel like a climb up Golgotha. The top seems insurmountable and undesirable, and if we are honest with ourselves, our love is too imperfect to continue the climb. Many bail out on the journey. Yet in the Christian life, suffering united to Christ’s, has infinite value. Christ never expects that we ascend the mountain alone, but that we invite him to carry OUR cross for and with us!

It is the LORD who goes before you; he will be with you and will never fail you or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

We are blessed that the Lord's only desire is to conform us to Him, giving us all the tools we need to ascend the heights and be united with Him through eternity. Let us never dwell  in sorrow or pity, but instead, sing praise!!

Peace, Love, and Joy, 


Praise can lift you out of your sorrows. Pass it on!