Monday, May 21, 2018

Pray for Marriages (Life’s Demons)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Your prayers are more powerful than you imagine.  Life-altering in fact.

It’s undeniable.  Everyone deals with personal demons.  Even the holiest person must be vigilant to the subtle, enticing call of masked evil.  But we are blessed by His grace.

Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more. Romans 5:20

If we were perfect, our marriages would be perfect. But we were made perfectly imperfect, a beautiful creation loved by God.  His abounding grace moves us to prayer for one another; prayer for marriages and family.   Prayer is the weapon of power in spiritual battles, as we struggle with good and evil. 

“Everything is possible to one who has faith.” Mark 9:23

There is a Gospel story in Mark, where the disciples of Christ are surprised by their inability to drive out a boy’s demon, and ask the Lord why they were unsuccessful.

“This kind can only come out through prayer.” Mark 9:29

Prayer?!  What power He bestows on the prayer of those who have faith!

Do not be discouraged!  Keep the faith and wield the weapon of prayer at your disposal!  As a prayer warrior, you can battle the demons that seek to destroy marriage and family.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Be a warrior of faith.  Take up your weapon by humbly kneeling in prayer.  Then pray for marriages and build the army by passing it on!