Monday, March 4, 2019

Pray for Marriages (Hugging your Cross)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

No matter how good a marital relationship is, it is not without its crosses, for marriage itself commands self-denial. As if that isn’t challenging enough, responsibilities never fall into equal halves as one spouse will always carry more or less of their fair share in any given category. But rather than complain, perhaps you should rejoice that you are imitating Christ, for He always carries the heaviest load.

Lent is a time to draw closer to Christ by hugging our crosses.  In walking with Him, we will learn that He is our Rock, refuge, shield, shelter, protection, guard, support, Light, shade, comforter, peace, help, and salvation.

If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

Contemplate what aspect of your marriage that you struggle with the most.  Humble yourself, hug that cross, and walk with Christ throughout Lent. Offer it as a sacrifice of praise to the Father.  Plead for greater faith.

Let us join our prayer on behalf of all marriages and may all glory and praise be to Him who blesses us with crosses that lead us to Love.

Who in Sheol can glorify the Most High in place of the living who offer their praise? Sirach 17:27

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Crosses are the bridge to eternal happiness. Pass it on!