Greetings Prayer Warriors,
The wisdom of age is powerful. I was speaking to a 90-year old relative, married for over 47 years and widowed. I know her marriage was not easy, and certainly a roller coaster of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, much like most marriages. Yet, she held fast to her faith and continued the journey and experienced the joys that come from endurance, perseverance, and loving when she didn’t feel like loving. She reflected on those years saying, “Now I realize that all the little things I worried and fretted about in life and in marriage were so unimportant in the big picture.” Certainly, words to contemplate and live by!
Whoever wishes to come after me, must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me, says the Lord. Matthew 16:24
Holy Family, pray for us! How arduous the journey can be! Like a game of Chutes and Ladders, the climb up may seem long, and how easy it is to slide back down! In your loving kindness, grant us the grace we each need for the journey. May we praise you for the highs, and praise you for the lows, for your plan for each one of us is always perfect, regardless of how we perceive it. Make us holy! Thank you for walking by our side and showing us the way, the wayto you!
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Plant a seed of faith by passing it on!