Friday, November 5, 2021

Pray for Families (To Know Me is to Love Me)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


Sometimes one can find themselves in a prayer desert. Or just not in the right space for praise, worship, or even kindness. So, I tried to put it into words. 


LORD, you know me, you see me, you have found that my heart is with you. Jeremiah 12:3


Lord, sometimes I want to pray, but I’m too tired.

Sometimes I want to praise you, but I’m too focused on the disappointments.

Sometimes I want to glorify you in song, but  the words won’t come. 

Yet you know me and you love me. 

So, I turn to contemplative prayer, and muse upon your kindness and mercy.

I praise you with every blink of my eyelids and every beat of my heart.

I glorify you in every act of love and compassion toward others.

Still, you know me and you love me.


Reciting prayers, now moves me from self to other.

Your Word feeds me and leads me to a path of new life.

The Eucharist unites me with you, and gives me renewed hope. 

Yes Lord, you know me and you love me.


You have gifted me with family and friends.

You have gifted me with food and shelter.

You have gifted me with your unwavering love and mercy. 

Thank you, Lord, for knowing me and always loving me. 


Lord, help us all to love more, pray more, and praise you more. Bless our families, and find the wayward sheep, that they may know your love and be transformed. Help us to love them as you love them, with heartfelt compassion, mercy, and love.  Humble us, and transform us too, that we may welcome them as you do; with open arms and a loving heart, We trust in you, Lord, for you will forever know us and love us, unconditionally.  Amen.


Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us. Romans 5:5


Peace, Joy, and Love, 



He knows us and still loves us. Pass it on!